And there is no reason to either because Beaniebang Babes have devised a clever way of discretely packaging the merchandise. No one need ever know what warped, perverted behaviours you get up to in the name of harmless innocent fun in the sanctity of your own private space.
The following video explains:
Besides, if it's a sandwich you are after, you can always pop around to the local deli - once you've cleaned up that is. You could even try making eyes at that girl behind the counter that you've always noticed and often wondered about. Who knows, you might just find that she is interested in the same things as you are - plus she happens to be real.
Unless of course you're one of those few who just doesn't deserve a real girlfriend; in which case, at least now you know what else is out there waiting for you.
While this post has been sponsored, the views and opinions expressed represent those of the author and the publisher, not necessarily those of the sponsor.
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